# cat chatter.lobby
[petepete] um
[ 17-Aug-01 22:27 ] s0lm8@otaku has left lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:27 ] s0lm8@otaku has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:28 ] syd@sdf has joined lobby.
[syd] yay
[syd] ssh works
[syd] pete r u the first one?
[ 17-Aug-01 22:29 ] syd@sdf has left lobby.
[petepete] m
[petepete] where
[petepete] has syd gone?
[ 17-Aug-01 22:29 ] astraea@sdf has joined lobby.
[astraea] I am here
[ 17-Aug-01 22:30 ] exodous@sdf has joined lobby.
[exodous] sup
[exodous] why is this slow
[astraea] because it is the old one
[ 17-Aug-01 22:30 ] sjhs@sdf has joined lobby.
[exodous] ?
[sjhs] hallo
[exodous] hey sjhs
[astraea] hi
[astraea] yawn
[ 17-Aug-01 22:31 ] visitor@sdf has joined lobby.
[visitor] hehe
[astraea] hi
[ 17-Aug-01 22:31 ] visitor@sdf has left lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:31 ] torquiz@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:31 ] smj@sdf has joined lobby.
[s0lm8] where's:help
[s0lm8] sorry
[smj] sigh
[astraea] hi!
[petepete] $ robots -s
[petepete] /usr/games/robots: /usr/games/robots: cannot execute binary file
[petepete] $
[exodous] pete ware you doing
[exodous] crap
[ 17-Aug-01 22:32 ] s3an@sdf has joined lobby.
[astraea] zzzzzzz
[astraea] coffee isn't doing it
[smj] waiting for the end.
[exodous] be right
[exodous] yep i see this is the end of the box
<astraea plays Auld Lang Syne>
[smj] hehe
[ 17-Aug-01 22:33 ] samg@sdf has joined lobby.
<astraea shares champagne>
[samg] any NA bevs?
[exodous] be right back
[petepete] syd is sleeping :(
[astraea] native American?
[sjhs] have a root beer
[sjhs] /emote passes samg a sasperilla (sp?)
[ 17-Aug-01 22:34 ] visitor@sdf has joined lobby.
[astraea] have a ginger ale, Canada Dry (North American brew)
[ 17-Aug-01 22:34 ] taviso@sdf has joined lobby.
[samg] yummie, thnx
[visitor] its me shyboii
[sjhs] d'oh it's : not /
[astraea] hi
[visitor] its not letting me onnn
[ 17-Aug-01 22:35 ] exodous@sdf has left lobby.
[smj] hey
[visitor] dang it
[astraea] yawn
[visitor] =D
[samg] can i su to root beer?
[astraea] not sposed to
[ 17-Aug-01 22:35 ] exodous@sdf has joined lobby.
[taviso] howdy guys :o)
[astraea] howdy yawl
[visitor] so its not suupposed to work?
[ 17-Aug-01 22:35 ] laurel@sdf has joined lobby.
[exodous] be back in 30min
[ 17-Aug-01 22:35 ] phm@sdf has joined lobby.
[sjhs] haha samg
[ 17-Aug-01 22:36 ] phm@sdf has left lobby.
[s0lm8] thi:quit
[ 17-Aug-01 22:36 ] poe@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:36 ] s0lm8@otaku has left lobby.
[poe] hi
[astraea] hi
[samg] i like the weather in seattle better...
[ 17-Aug-01 22:36 ] s0lm8@otaku has joined lobby.
[laurel] gppd afternoon everyone
[smj] good evening
[laurel] i see I have to learn how to type
[sjhs] i hope the system does too
[astraea] learns to type?
[astraea] hee hee
[sjhs] like the weather
[samg] i have to learn how 2 cat :)
[astraea] smj are you in seattle now?
[taviso] lol!
[sjhs] that 2
[smj] YEH
[poe] it is hot in frankfurtitpoe from frankfurt
[astraea] send us some of your rain please
[samg] no, he ftp'ed himself to Lewisville
[astraea] hee hee
[ 17-Aug-01 22:38 ] visitor@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:38 ] ryanf@sdf has joined lobby.
[poe] is thios the old leeneyx machine?
[smj] yes.
[astraea] uh huh
[smj] Linux sdf 2.2.19 #17 SMP Mon Jul 16 02:47:33 UTC 2001
i686 unknown
[ 17-Aug-01 22:38 ] visitor@sdf has joined lobby.
<astraea plays Taps>
[ 17-Aug-01 22:38 ] visitor@sdf has joined lobby.
[visitor] ?
[astraea] ;
[astraea] j
[astraea] oops
[samg] $
[ryanf] ??
[astraea] !!
[ 17-Aug-01 22:39 ] razam@sdf has joined lobby.
[astraea] @8)
[samg] i thought we were playing word association
[razam] Hola!
[astraea] association was a great band
[ 17-Aug-01 22:39 ] razam@sdf has left lobby.
[astraea] que tal
[astraea] oop
[smj] in about 20 minutes I've got the first surprise for everyone.
[astraea] oo a surprise *bounce*
[torquiz] RTeturning to linux?
[torquiz] I'm getting "bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable" of NetBSD
[samg] ms-dos with Kermit in host mode?
[astraea] hate that fork thing
[astraea] used to happen all the time, also "Cannot fork"
<sjhs boucnces>
[smj] how many processes are you running.
[samg] reminds me of macintosh
[ 17-Aug-01 22:41 ] perew@sdf has joined lobby.
[torquiz] How many? Don't know; can't ps :(
[smj] god damn you are running like 100 processees!
[smj] what are you doing torquiz?
[taviso] lmao!
[smj] he is running 401 processes.
[samg] redirection loop?
[torquiz] No. I'm on twice, onece doing nothing; one with xemacs
[taviso] there goes my record :o( <sigh>
[taviso] lol
[astraea] ?!?!
[smj] I could 401.
[smj] here let me show you.
[smj] torquiz 9478 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9477 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9476 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9475 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9474 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9473 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9472 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.01 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9471 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9469 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9468 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9467 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[smj] torquiz 9466 0.0 0.2 1472 1832 p1 I 10:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/pkg/bin/bash
[astraea] holy moses
[smj] obviously a user error.
[taviso] lolol!
[laurel] cat > .profile
[smj] god.
[laurel] bash
[laurel] ^D
[astraea] Neil Young?
[smj] he thought it was netbsd.
[smj] geez
[ 17-Aug-01 22:43 ] perew@sdf has left lobby.
[samg] yeah, but he still should know better
[poe] who
[astraea] Neil Young
[ 17-Aug-01 22:44 ] perew@sdf has joined lobby.
[samg] Neil
[perew] a
[samg] Kneel Jung :)
[ 17-Aug-01 22:44 ] meghdoot@sdf has joined lobby.
[astraea] HAHAHAHA
[sjhs] hapopyu crap
[samg] tick, tick, tick
[sjhs] happy newyear!
[samg] happy the clown
[torquiz] I just logged back in ; still getting the fork prob.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:45 ] lem@sdf has joined lobby.
[samg] use your fingers
<astraea points to the big fancy sparkly ball up on the CPU>
[smj] yeh you are running ALOT of fucking bash processes.
[smj] you are runing 42 right now.
[smj] WHY you just logged in?
[smj] you just logged in and are spawning 42 fucking sub shells?
[smj] sorry.
[torquiz] Figured it out.
[astraea] no prob
[petepete] 42
[smj] 42 sub shells forked at alogin.
[astraea] the answer to life the universe and everything
[smj] wow.. cool.
[taviso] wow, spooky :o)
[meghdoot] who smj
[smj] sorry torquiz.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:46 ] tbates@sdf has joined lobby.
[torquiz] smj, could you delete my .bash_profile and .bashrc, please?
[ 17-Aug-01 22:47 ] petepete@sdf has left lobby.
[astraea] wonder if my mail files are still here or did they
get deleted already
[samg] mine were here...
[ 17-Aug-01 22:47 ] doug@sdf has joined lobby.
[smj] I commented out your read of the .bashrc
[astraea] hrm
[samg] kermitted them home
[meghdoot] is all the mail transfered to the new system smj?
[astraea] might do the same
[doug] Haha, made it
[samg] *gkermitted them home
[astraea] YAY!
[smj] No, the disks have to be fedexced.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:47 ] astraea@sdf has left lobby.
[smj] They will be here Monday.
[meghdoot] cool
[doug] Took awhile to log-in, the old pee cee must be on
it's last legs. :)
[smj] YEh.
[tbates] Lets s kill Linux
[smj] patience.
[torquiz] Thanks; error in my script changing the shebang.
[torquiz] Left out the #!
[samg] but Tux is so darn cute :^o)
[meghdoot] all good things come to those who wait
[taviso] lol!
[tbates] The little devil is cuter
[samg] unless they wait on Micros0ft
[smj] gosh, I feel like we are killing timothy mcveigh
[meghdoot] i swear
[samg] yeah, can i get an animated devil tat blinks?
[ 17-Aug-01 22:49 ] root@sdf has joined lobby.
[samg] (i think his name is Daenom
[ 17-Aug-01 22:50 ] root@sdf has left lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:50 ] petepete@sdf has joined lobby.
[smj] haha
[ 17-Aug-01 22:50 ] root@sdf has joined lobby.
[samg] *daemon
[root] haha
[ 17-Aug-01 22:50 ] root@sdf has left lobby.
[tbates] Boy root really gets around
[taviso] lol! thats quite clever!
[sjhs] daenom is by levy
[smj] yeh..
[doug] Hmmm, if you put graphics on the webpage, I would have
a funny picture ...
[doug] It's a picture of the BSD daemon,uh , taking "advantage" of
[ 17-Aug-01 22:51 ] corey@sdf has joined lobby.
[samg] if you put my picture ... oh, oh, mind-fart
[smj] corey did you get root?
[corey] YEH~!!!
[meghdoot] hey smj about bsd why did you choose net over free?
[smj] I worked for a developer.
[smj] BTW guys, corey is on his way to getting busted by
UTA (university of Texas at Arlington) for compromising systems.
[corey] heeh...that daemon klling linux is cool
[smj] his favourite is LINUX because its too easy.
[taviso] wow! cool.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:53 ] lem@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:53 ] sjhs@sdf has joined lobby.
[corey] linux sux
[ 17-Aug-01 22:53 ] darklady@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:53 ] astraea@sdf has joined lobby.
[sjhs] ?
[darklady] hi all
[astraea] Hi
[tbates] Hey
[samg] hey 'd'
[astraea] Well, I can't sz .. and I can't mail my files
[meghdoot] i will probably get flamed for this but is linux that
[astraea] so...
[astraea] It's good, it's just bad for sdf
[sjhs] i argee
[smj] Yeh, corey just got root on a 2.2.19
[lem] hey folks!
[corey] good for users, bad 4 servers.
[smj] they said that was patched against execv()
[samg] cat 'em to your screen and caputre
[astraea] I... oh goodness
[samg] *capture
[meghdoot] thats gotta suck -- agreee
[astraea] well, I suppose I could, even the lengthy one
[smj] YEH.. linux is pretty dangerous for public use.
[astraea] hm.
[astraea] brb.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:54 ] astraea@sdf has left lobby.
[smj] 2.2.19 was supposed to be secured from the race condition.
[corey] i guess they lied about the patch?
[smj] Yeh.
[taviso] <sigh>
[smj] anyway, Okay here is the first surprise.
[smj] http://freeshell.org click on 'tour'
[exodous] [6~kk
[ 17-Aug-01 22:56 ] binladen@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:56 ] jason@sdf has joined lobby.
[corey] usama binladen!
[smj] http://freeshell.org click on 'tour'
[lem] Maybe it's a bad time to ask, but it seems that
both sdf and otaku have no files in home directories...
[ 17-Aug-01 22:57 ] corey@sdf has left lobby.
[samg] quit
[ 17-Aug-01 22:57 ] corey@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 22:57 ] samg@sdf has left lobby.
[tbates] k we got the tour page
[smj] they are being shipped.
[lem] smj: UPS or FedEx? ;-)
[ 17-Aug-01 22:58 ] dcg@sdf has joined lobby.
[smj] fedex
[smj] of course
[corey] when they being sihppied?
[smj] wow I don't think we ever had 22 people in com
Unlinking TTY ..
sdf:samg 509> com
COM MODE - Type ":HELP" for Commands.
room # of members
1 (2)
help (2)
hola (1)
lobby (22)
Which room? lobby
You are among: binladen corey darklady dcg doug exodous jason laurel lem meghdoot
perew petepete poe ryanf s0lm8 s3an sjhs smj taviso tbates torquiz
[lem] smj: Got a tracking #? :)
[smj] They will be shippe tomorrow.
[corey] com record@!
[tbates] People like public executions
[poe] ,-)
[tbates] workrked in france you knopw
[corey] execute linux!
[darklady] works in the us
[corey] (run it or kill it?_)
[ 17-Aug-01 22:59 ] samg@sdf has joined lobby.
[corey] darklady... r u a goth?
[sjhs] yeah
[taviso] hehe :o)
Broadcast Message from smj@sdf
(/dev/ttyq5) at 22:58 ...
ATTENTION. In 30 minutes this LINUX PC will never run again. Bye bye
linux. Bye bye intel x86. Please join com.
[smj] sorry about that.
[corey] YAY!
[samg] hubba-hubba
[sjhs] yes
[tbates] I didn't even know there was a com
[smj] http://freeshell.org click on 'tour'
[taviso] wooohoo :o)
[visitor] q/quit
[corey] everybody is running com!
[ 17-Aug-01 23:00 ] blackmus@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 23:00 ] itch@sdf has joined lobby.
[smj] a couple of people are using micq.
[sjhs] or is com running everybody ?!?!?!?!
[samg] smj, http://freeshell.org sez 'connection refused'
[smj] Well, hold up the fort while I walk home! I'll be
home in about 10 minutes.
[doug] 840 watts, ooh
[smj] samg, I see it from here..
[smj] I am on alter.net
[corey] that's a huge power supply.
[corey] way better than a crappy 300Watt PC p/s!
[smj] yeh and we have TWO cabinets :)
[samg] must just be from this box (links)
[doug] That's a great tour... very cool
[corey] is it energy =- star compliant, SMJ?
[doug] I'm not familar with the "bigger" iron
[binladen] wtf exactly is
[binladen] so i cant use sdf.lonestar.org
[smj] Okay.. I'll be back in a few minutes... keep the g
peole informed of whats going on.
[visitor] quit
[ 17-Aug-01 23:02 ] smj@sdf has left lobby.
[binladen] to get on account
[binladen] ?
[sjhs] and it really helps witht the power shortage
[ 17-Aug-01 23:02 ] visitor@sdf has left lobby.
[meghdoot] tour is nice smj
[corey] waitn for the new sdf....in 35 mnuts
[doug] Hehe, yeah, stoke up the coal plants, sdf is powering-up! :)
[taviso] nice machines :o)
[corey] !!! hehe...coal plant
[itch] hey um when ever i use micq with the new box
it gives me the "message sent to _________" twice
[ 17-Aug-01 23:02 ] visitor@sdf has joined lobby.
[doug] I'm glad sdf is getting a great home...
[samg] who you callin' m-nuts?
[binladen] whuz the new addy for sdf
[binladen] ?
[doug] This system is the best open LiUnix system by far
[doug] hehe
[taviso] yup :o)
[meghdoot] addy??
[doug] Make that Unix system before I'm shot
[doug] I checked around the few other systems, not nearly as nice
[binladen] addy ----> adf.lonestar.org
[corey] theunixplace.com sucks!
[s0lm8] yeah unixshellz sux
[binladen] sdf.lonestar.org*
[doug] Very intrusive, I think they want DNA before htey will give
you an account
[taviso] rofl!
[corey] please input your genome sequence: ACTTTCATALAGCATGG
[meghdoot] haha
[samg] what's the extra heliotrope meam?
[sjhs] there isn't enuf of these
[corey] s/L//
[doug] I guess it's to cut-down on the crackers...
[samg] *mean?
[doug] It's amazing how well this system works, considering all the butholes
out there nowadays
[ 17-Aug-01 23:05 ] binladen@sdf has left lobby.
[corey] sdf is a resilient system.
[petepete] its the macrochips()
[s0lm8] any chance you can get rot on bsd ?
[s0lm8] mean root :)
[ 17-Aug-01 23:07 ] mindspy@sdf has joined lobby.
[samg] pleez pass the macrochips
[corey] I cant' do it!
[ 17-Aug-01 23:07 ] binladen@sdf has joined lobby.
[doug] Stephen must be damn , hmm, persistant too.
[samg] it's his baby: what do you expect?
[doug] It's got to be a ton of work to keep this
place running.
[s0lm8] yeah he's really fed up with leenox :)
[corey] thankless work , almost in a way (except for our thanks)
[doug] Hopefully wit hthe new iron and OS, things will settle down
a bit
[tbates] Did he say the new boxes were 8K each?
[binladen] whuz a ishell
[binladen] ?
[corey] that's their ORIGINAL price man.
[corey] now they're 1/10 th that.
[doug] I think it's neat to be on a working multi-user UNIX
[corey] but they are STILL powerful processors. Don't let the MHZ fool
[doug] When you type w, people are actually on beside yourself. :)
[samg] home sweet hostel
[tbates] I wonder how much donations covered
[taviso] lmao! hehe
[tbates] w
[tbates] oops
[corey] yeh, it's nice to be able to finger too.
[s0lm8] 36$ is really cheap
[ 17-Aug-01 23:10 ] binladen@sdf has left lobby.
[samg] yeh, finger on a single-user sys is a drag
[tbates] Not if you keep changing your plan
[poe] dead tired in germoney
[samg] good point
[itch] so is the system ujust going to die and boot us?
[samg] schizophrenia has it's plusses
[taviso] hehe, could be fun :o)
[s0lm8] and i will get a
[taviso] grrrr @ lag
[corey] yep...we will see nothign after a while.
[s0lm8] hammer and slam my terminal aswwzll :)
[doug] Ahhh, echo. - reading the man page on the other system
[ 17-Aug-01 23:12 ] corey@sdf has left lobby.
[doug] Hmmm, if he uses shutdown, don't we get a countdown?
[ 17-Aug-01 23:12 ] sjhs@sdf has joined lobby.
[taviso] hasnt it already been initialised?
[sjhs] how much time left?
[ 17-Aug-01 23:13 ] tak@sdf has joined lobby.
[samg] 18 min
[jason] [6~[5^[5^who
[meghdoot] 15-20 mins !!!
[tak] hmmm
[ 17-Aug-01 23:14 ] ssj@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 23:14 ] corey@sdf has joined lobby.
[samg] the silence is deafening
[corey] 25 users in lobby wow
[ssj] why does corey think SDF sucks?
[meghdoot] is taht an all time high
[sjhs] only 3 on new srvr
[corey] haha..do0n't take me LITERALLY ssj.
[corey] i meant the old sdf. (with linux).
[taviso] any news on the ebay auction , i wouldnt mind owning
a bit of her :o)
[corey] has it been posted 2 ebay yet?
[samg] i want the numlock key
[meghdoot] ??
[corey] haha
[taviso] rofl!
[corey] how long was this old sdf in service smj/ ssj ?
[meghdoot] i want delete
[tak] lol
[corey] s[ms]j ?
[tbates] Im logged in but telnetted here
[ssj] I get the RJ45 cable!!!
[samg] me too, tbates
[samg] using a 286, dospppd, ms-kermit as telnet
[ 17-Aug-01 23:16 ] corey@sdf has left lobby.
[s0lm8] how much for the fan ?
[tbates] yiles
[ 17-Aug-01 23:17 ] visitor@sdf has joined lobby.
[taviso] wow!
[samg] out in the woods of minnesota
[ 17-Aug-01 23:17 ] poe@sdf has left lobby.
[visitor] Hi everyone
[tbates] Hey
[samg] greets
[itch] how much longer?
[ 17-Aug-01 23:18 ] croooow@sdf has joined lobby.
[tbates] dunno soon like 20 m
[croooow] hello
[ 17-Aug-01 23:19 ] mindspy@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 23:19 ] corey@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 23:19 ] visitor@sdf has joined lobby.
<s0lm8 gasp>
[visitor] How can i installt a webspace
[mindspy] hello
[corey] people are in the 'help' com room hahh
[taviso] lol!
[meghdoot] haha
[sjhs] finger ssj
[tbates] I was stuck there for a little
[visitor] help
[meghdoot] me 2
[sjhs] stephen s jones?
[visitor] Please help me
[tbates] with what?
[meghdoot] what up vis
[mindspy] that guy wants to install a web space
[samg] webspace on this box? ha!
[mindspy] yeah
[mindspy] funny huh
[meghdoot] yeah
[doug] This box is gonna croak in a few minutes
[samg] this proprty is condemned
[corey] ssj is smj's ather
[mindspy] we are now squatters
[corey] (father? ssj smj) -> #t
[tbates] do you have anaccount vis, it helps
[meghdoot] better go to the new one
[sjhs] the haunte d host!
[samg] that's why were here ... it's a party
[corey] (father? 'ssj 'smj) -> #t
[sjhs] oh
[mindspy] hey my initals are smj
[mindspy] am i a relative
[sjhs] wait, (father? 'son 'father) or fvv
[meghdoot] u are a fake
Broadcast Message from smj@sdf
(/dev/ttyr5) at 23:21 ...
I view Linux as something that's not Microsoft^×a backlash against Microsoft, no
more and no less.
- Ken Thompson (father of the UNIX operating system)
[sjhs] t
[mindspy] me
[corey] heeh.
[meghdoot] jk
[visitor] pine
[corey] KEN THOMPSON, DEMIGOD of unix.
[ 17-Aug-01 23:22 ] smj@sdf has joined lobby.
[smj] hey
[taviso] wb smj :o)
[corey] how much lnoger?
[sjhs] (exit)
[sjhs] (ba
[visitor] djjdjdjdexit
<perew Begins last rites for the Linux box.>
[sjhs] say (bye)
[visitor] exit
[corey] /me farts in the general direction of linux
[exodous] bye
[samg] boo
[ssj] T Minus how many minutes and counting?
[samg] hoo
[sjhs] btw, doe (S D F) have anyting 2do w/lisp?
[taviso] type a colon first vis :o)
[petepete] wow. fireworks!
[s0lm8] tatada tatadadada :)
[corey] if S were a function,
[corey] and if D and F were bound variable s that maxce
sense for that fucntion.
[samg] i'd be a routine
Broadcast Message from smj@sdf
(/dev/ttyr5) at 23:23 ...
My experience and some of my friends' experience is that Linux is quite
unrelia le. Microsoft is really unreliable but Linux is worse. In a
non-PC environment, it just won't hold up. If you're using it on a
single box, that's one thing. But if you want to use Linux in firewall,
gateways, embedded systems, and so on, it has a long way to go.
- Ken Thompson (father of the UNIX operating system)
[ssj] SDF will no longer be a Texas based system!
[taviso] super domain forces i think, type sdf and it tells you
[corey] hmm.
[ssj] it will be in green pastures
[corey] well, I don't see why linux can't make a good firewall...what
about firewall in a floppy disk 4 linux?
[samg] how will gwb get by without us?
[s0lm8] where ?
[ssj] or should I say trees
[corey] And stores of people using 48's as firewalls/routers, /etc
[smj] well linux makes a great firewall, because when iot goes down
its at its best!!
[corey] i think maybe ken thompson's words are too harsh..
[taviso] the Linux Router Project Rocks! :o()
[smj] surprise one was http://freeshell.org click on 'tour'
[smj] surpirse two is.. I bought two DDS3 DAT back up drvies
(24gigs each!)
[s0lm8] and two .
[ssj] I have to use Verizon ADSL now yk
[sjhs] also in tour
[ssj] no more direct link to SDF!!!
[taviso] woohoo smj! sounds gr8!
[sjhs] join the club :-)
[ssj] hey anybody want this wornout SDF keyboard?
[meghdoot] giveaway?
[ 17-Aug-01 23:27 ] shadearg@sdf has joined lobby.
[exodous] i will take the linux pc
[samg] shoot the monkey ... my dinner's getting cold
[meghdoot] you cud auction
[smj] Thank you for taking the SDF survey to everyone who took
[taviso] lol!
[exodous] where is the auction what ebay number
[doug] Hmmm, survery?
[taviso] survey?
[visitor] yay for the backup tapes =)
[samg] 1 minit left
[blackmus] sdf OArrOC;:eee3;//
<petepete blinks>
[meghdoot] vis r u a tuberoad
[blackmus] sorry
[perew] <:
[ssj] bye bye!!!
[meghdoot] fluoroscent (old) lamp
<perew took the survey and isn't giving it back>
[ 17-Aug-01 23:29 ] ssj@sdf has left lobby.
<s0lm8 snif>
[samg] see ya
[tbates] SDF rocks
[tak] bye *
[samg] 'til we meet again
[ 17-Aug-01 23:29 ] astraea@sdf has joined lobby.
[astraea] pshew
[visitor] ybye bye old machine
[taviso] adios Linux!
[astraea] lmost didn't make it back!
<s0lm8 rest in peace !!!!!!!!!!!!!>
[astraea] bye bye linux
[sjhs] adieu
[samg] don't worry, it won't hurt a bit
[corey] should I take the survey now b4 sdf dies?
[taviso] lol!
[visitor] you serverd faithfully, sorta
[samg] type fast
[petepete] ,
[croooow] good bye old paint
[perew] Requesqcat in pacem
[astraea] Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine
[doug] <bang>
[astraea] or in Jewish,
[meghdoot] it still works????1111111
[astraea] I thin it's
[samg] nubus rectum
[jason] i knid of liked waiting 5 minutes for the login prompt
[astraea] "Eternally glorified and sanctified be the holy name of the Lord"
[sjhs] adiaux
[s0lm8] tux is hard to kill :)
[astraea] "May peace be with you and the whole nation of Israel,
Broadcast Message from smj@sdf
(/dev/ttyr5) at 23:28 ...
Dear Linus,
In 1996, after much pressure from your following weenies, I attempted to
move a stable AT&T 3b2 UNIX environment to your KERNEL running GNU FSF
utilities. I have to let you know, this has been the worst 4 or so
years of my life. I know its not your fault. Ken Thompson told me
so. I wish you good luck, but we're going with a real operating system
on a real computer.
[sjhs] (bye)
[astraea] There.
[samg] is my watch fast?
[astraea] YAY!
[tbates] hey you got a prompt?
[corey] that letter to LINUS IS HARSH!
[astraea] uhhh
[astraea] it's TRUE THOUGH
[taviso] hehe!
[ 17-Aug-01 23:31 ] caersidi@sdf has joined lobby.
[croooow] LOL
[perew] Be sure to put a Donor sticcker on SDF.
[visitor] i hope this is logged
[mindspy] ha that was funny
[corey] man..he might beat you up for that.
[doug] Hmmm, if te new box gets rootted...
[corey] word
[corey] st 4 years of my life..haha.
[samg] excel
[ 17-Aug-01 23:31 ] ssj@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 23:31 ] schaller@sdf has joined lobby.
[caersidi] what's the date of thompsons message?
[ssj] SDF is going commercial at $39.95 per month
[astraea] ???
[sjhs] haha!
[samg] mine ... always mine
[s0lm8] die penquin die !!
[blackmus] what?
[astraea] I can't afford that
[taviso] shoot the SoB!
[mindspy] his message i believe was related to the 2.2.* kernsl
[samg] pookie misses daddy
[corey] isn't apenguin ...not really the imae of high pperformance,
scalable, reliable computing?
Broadcast Message from smj@sdf
(/dev/ttyr5) at 23:31 ...
hejd^¥ leenox! hejd^¥ linus torvalds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Broadcast message from root (ttyr5) Fri Aug 17 23:32:54 2001...
The system is going down for system halt NOW !!
[ssj] hahahaha
Connection closed by foreign host.
sdf:samg 295>hostname
sdf:samg 296>ps
282 u7 Ss 0:00.16 -bash
7340 u7 R+ 0:00.00 ps
sdf:samg 298>w
11:35PM up 4 days, 19:01, 58 users, load averages: 3.33, 3.46, 2.87
tak p1 11:12PM 0 /usr/pkg/bin/pico /etc/pw.09629a
meghdoot p2 10:40PM 0 tail -f /var/com/chatter.lobby
exodous p3 10:32PM 59 -bash
fnx p4 10:21PM 12 micq
perew p5 9:47PM 29 -
laurel p6 5:41PM 44 -zsh
new p7 11:35PM 0 /bin/ksh /var/new/mkacct
itch p8 10:56PM 30 micq
laze p9 10:50PM 1 tail -f /var/com/chatter.lobby
happyguy pa 11:30PM 4 -bash
new pb 11:03PM 29 /usr/bin/ssh -e none -l mclancy sdf
jason pc 11:05PM 0 tail -f /var/com/chatter.lobby
cyberic pd 11:14PM 10 -ksh
new pe 11:35PM 0 /bin/ksh /var/new/mkacct
blackmus pf 11:15PM 1 bash
gingeral q0 11:34PM 0 -ksh
alchemy q1 10:45PM 21 -
sebwilk q2 11:35PM 0 -ksh
vihuab q3 10:33PM 4 icq
solo q4 11:29PM 0 -ksh
torquiz q5 10:48PM 13 emacs /arpa/t/torquiz/bin
bentzy q6 11:17PM 6 -ksh
dcg q7 4:59PM 0 /bin/ksh /usr/pkg/lib/bboard.ksh
esmith q9 10:08PM 0 telnet lintilla.df.lth.se 5013
itch qa 9:31PM 58 -ksh
reenvios qb 10:15PM 45 -ksh
compular qc 7:54PM 3:10 -ksh
ahmad qd 5:50PM 14 micq
sjhs qe 11:14PM 0 tail -f /var/com/chatter.lobby
tbates qf 10:41PM 1 -bash
baher r0 11:32PM 1 -ksh
s0lm8 r2 11:16PM 1 tail -f /var/com/chatter.lobby
phm r3 10:50PM 1 tail -f /var/com/chatter.lobby
sergiobc r4 10:55PM 8 -ksh
caersidi r5 2:22PM 1 tail -f /var/com/chatter.lobby
mkguidry r6 11:21PM 0 irc
styx0r r7 11:10PM 24 micq
schaller r8 11:11PM 21 -bash
zyx0 r9 11:22PM 10 /usr/bin/more
laze ra 9:05PM 1:09 /bin/ksh /usr/pkg/lib/bboard.ksh
djfloyd rc 11:26PM 0 -ksh
haferman re 11:21PM 0 telnet fibs.com 4321
astraea rf 11:27PM 0 tail -f /var/com/chatter.lobby
tak s0 11:20PM 13 micq
cfaj s1 7:59PM 56 emacs html
breakd s2 11:27PM 7 -ksh
wladimir s3 9:02PM 0 -bash
corey s4 9:44PM 0 tail -f /var/com/chatter.lobby
wilk s5 10:59PM 25 /bin/sh
reenvios s6 11:25PM 9 -ksh
new s7 11:28PM 2 /usr/bin/ssh -e none -l waleedsa sd
cpayne s8 5:47PM 0 mutt
schaller s9 9:34PM 0 -bash
hakan sa 11:21PM 9 -ksh
victorwo sb 11:24PM 10 icq
digiview sc 11:27PM 0 -ksh
sergiobc sd 11:34PM 0 -ksh
shadearg se 11:24PM 4 -bash
sdf:samg 299>com
COM MODE - Type ":HELP" for Commands.
room # of members
com (1)
lobby (12)
Which room? lobby
You are among: astraea caersidi corey dcg jason laze meghdoot phm s0lm8 sjhs smj
[corey] yup!
[meghdoot] haha
[corey] but what about this "proprietary unsupporrrted hardware" we're running
on now?
[smj] Well, I'm going to go ahead and move OLD mail tonight..
[smj] I'll get started on that.
[astraea] I got most of my files downloaded
[sjhs] i'm glad i happened to decide to login tonight
[astraea] the important ones
[ 18-Aug-01 00:35 ] dcg@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 23:35 ] samg@sdf has joined lobby.
[caersidi] the load has been running in the mid 2s to 3s
when I have looked. Are members gonna get a seperate box?
[meghdoot] part was neat cu all laterz bye
[meghdoot] party i mean
[smj] Do you know what the max load on this bcabinet is?
[laze] what does trhe load number represent, exactly?
[smj] its like 699.0 :)
[corey] 10000 ?
[corey] heeh
[taviso] lol!
[corey] ther'es some kind of computation.
[samg] great party alll ... gotta go eat
[smj] okay.. see ya!
[astraea] yeah, me too!
[corey] taht degrades over time (the # goes down over time exponentially?)
[sjhs] i've been eating the whole time
[samg] logged the party ... will post it later
[astraea] Thank you smj for everything.
[astraea] Wonderful!
[taviso] yeah , thanks smj! bye all :o).....
[smj] I got these two dds3 drives for backup snow.
[smj] sure.. it was fun.
[samg] smj, you're tops
[corey] 2 24GIG drives eh? K=-rad
[smj] hehe
[corey] smj the man!
[smj] did anyone capture it to a log_ Ø=
[samg] kudos
[astraea] Yes
[smj] cool
[astraea] samg did
[corey] i can't wait to see people run linux-exploits here.
[astraea] and I got part of it
[smj] I've got the com log too.
[samg] smj, i captured it
[corey] and wonder wy they don't wor
[astraea] k
[smj] I have the entire com log that wshould be helpful.
[astraea] giggle
[samg] i need to edit out a links session
[ 17-Aug-01 23:38 ] meghdoot@sdf has left lobby.
[samg] b bak later
[ 17-Aug-01 23:39 ] sf@sdf has joined lobby.
[ 17-Aug-01 23:39 ] sjhs@sdf has left lobby.
[samg] quit
[smj] [A:who
[astraea] you know what's funny maybe you can explain
Unlinking TTY ..
sdf:samg 300>bye